Business Transformers provides IT consulting services. But we don't just do that, we share our knowledge and experience to ensure your organisation realises its maximum potential
More About Us1. We listen. We are pretty good listeners.
2. We know about technology and if we don't, we go learn and practise until we do (nobody knows everything).
3. We are compasionate and like success stories; we care.
When we put all of this in the mix, we get the foundations for long term and trusting partnerships.
So we won't bore you with jargon such as Artificial Intelligence this, Big Data that, Cloud and Quantum Computing here and Internet of Things there. Give us a call or send us a message and we'll get back to you and share our honest opinions. Free of charge.
What We DoWith our deep understanding of technologies involved, we can assess and plan costs and timelines accurately. We specialise in Digital Transformation projects.
We develop customised systems and applications for Windows, Android, iOS and Web Apps. We also specialise in building and consuming APIs.
We predominently support networked Microsoft based environments and advise and provide procurement services for all types of equipment.
We breath e-commerce and payments. We understand security and data privacy concerns. We can help your business achieve its targets while dodging these bullets.
Give us a call or send us an email and we will get back to you.